Synergy and Synchrony in Couple Dances

Vongani H. Maluleke1     Lea Müller1     Jathushan Rajasegaran1     Georgios Pavlakos2    
Shiry Ginosar1     Angjoo Kanazawa1     Jitendra Malik1
1University of California, Berkeley   2UT Austin  

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To what extent does Bob’s behavior affect Alice’s behavior? We study this question in a couple’s dance - an example of full-body dyadic physical social interaction. We predict the full body motion of a dancer, Alice (yellow), given their own past motion and their partner, Bob’s (blue), motion.


This paper asks to what extent social interaction influences one's behavior. We study this in the setting of couples swing dancing. We first consider a baseline in which we predict a dancer's future moves conditioned only on their past motion without regard to their partner. We then investigate the advantage of taking social information into account by conditioning also on the motion of their dancing partner. We focus our analysis on Swing, a dance genre with tight physical coupling for which we present an in-the-wild video dataset. We demonstrate that single-person future motion prediction in this context is challenging. Instead, we observe that prediction greatly benefits from considering the interaction partners' behavior, resulting in surprisingly compelling couple dance synthesis results. Our contributions are a demonstration of the advantages of socially conditioned future motion prediction and an in-the-wild, couple dance video dataset to enable future research in this direction.

Method: Synergy and Synchrony

TLDR: We predict the future motion of a dancer, Alice, given her past motion and her partner, Bob's, motion. We show that considering Bob's motion significantly improves the prediction of Alice's future motion. Given tokens generated from a Motion VQ-VAE , we autoregressively train a decoder only transformer to predict a set of next tokens in the motion sequence. We show that the dyadic model outperforms the unary model in terms of prediction quality and diversity.
Test-time autoregressive prediction in the unary (left) and dyadic (right) tasks. In the unary prediction task, we start from Alice's past motion up to time \( t_\pi \), and predict the next time step in each iteration. In the dyadic prediction task, we start from Alice and Bob's motion up to time \( t_\pi \). In each step, we predict Alice's next token from her past ground truth motion until \( t_{π} \), her predicted motion for \( t > t_\pi \) , and Bob's past ground truth motion

Illustration of the VQ-VAEs. We learn three separate codebooks, one for each body model parameter. An encoder, E·, maps the body parameter to the codebook, Ζ·. The decoder, D· brings the codebook latent vectors back into body model parameter space. To obtain 3D meshes, we jointly pass the parameters through the body model function.

Transformer training procedure in the dyadic case. The major part of our network is a transformer-decoder block with causal masking, such that Alice and Bob can only attend to their past motion. Input to our model are Alice and Bob's codebook indices for body pose, Θ, orientation, Φ, and translation, Γ. We embed the tokens into a latent space and add time, person, and parameter encoding. The final layer in our network generates probability scores over codebook indices, representing the likelihood of an index being the next motion \(s_{t_{\pi}+1}\)

Swing Dance Dataset

We present a dataset of couple dances in the Swing genre collected from Youtube. This data contains SMPL parameters (Translation, Global Orientation, and Body Pose) of the detected people in the videos. This data was cleaned by removing videos that have one person or more than two detected people. This dataset contains 30 Hrs of 680 unique video with the associated SMPL parameters generated from SLAHMR.

More Data Examples


Dyadic Motion Prediction Results: Our method can predict realistic and plausible future full body motion of Alice conditioned on Alice’s And Bob’s (dance partner) past motion.

Unary Motion Prediction Results: Our method can also predict Alice’s future motion conditioned on only Alice’s past motion.

More Results:



We thank Evonne Ng and members of the BAIR community for helpful discussions. This work was supported by BAIR/BDD sponsors, ONR MURI (N00014-21-1-2801), and the DARPA MCS program. This webpage template was borrowed from some colorful folks